
100 fachts about TITANIC

R.M.S. Titanic, perhaps the most famous ship that ever sailed, hit an iceberg, and the next morning - April 15, 1912 - sank beneath the North Atlantic waves. She took 1,517 women, men and children to the bottom of the ocean with her, including some of the most famous names of her time.
But Titanic's voyage continues - in movies, books, TV shows and the public's fascination. Part historic chronicle, part human drama, part paranormal thriller, the tale of the doomed ship still has us in its hooks.
Today her story shifts like starlight sparkling on sea ice. Accounts and numbers differ, research changes "myth" into "fact," and vice versa. But her saga won't end.
So to mark the 100th anniversary of her loss, we give you 100 remembrances of the Titanic.

'The Ship of Dreams'

1. At the time of her launch, the Royal Mail Steamer Titanic was the largest man-made moving object on Earth.
2. The Titanic cost $7.5 million to build.
3. The White Star Line's Titanic and her sister ship Olympic were designed to compete with the famous Cunard liners Lusitania and Mauretania.
4. More than 15,000 men worked on the ship during its construction in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
5. The Titanic's wake was so huge that, at its launch, it sucked in another ship and almost caused a collision.
6. The Titanic featured an onboard swimming pool, a gymnasium, a squash court, and a Turkish bath and two separate libraries - one for first-class passengers, and one for second class.
7. The top speed of the Titanic was 23 knots (more than 26 miles per hour).
8. The Titanic originally was designed to carry 64 lifeboats. To save from cluttering decks, the ship ended up carrying 20 on her maiden voyage.
9. Only 706 passengers and crew would survive the disaster.

Premonitions of doom

10. Passenger and fashion writer Edith Rosenbaum cabled her secretary in Paris that she had "a premonition of trouble" about the Titanic. (She survived.)
11. Governess Elizabeth Shutes was so unnerved by the smell of the night air on April 14 that she could not fall asleep. She told fellow passengers that the smell reminded her of the air inside an ice cave she had visited. (She survived.)
12. William Edward Minahan, a doctor from Fond du Lac, Wis., had his fortune read shortly before the voyage. The fortune teller predicted his death aboard the ship. She was right.
13. The plot of Morgan Robertson's novel "Futility" bears an uncanny resemblance to the Titanic disaster. The novel tells the story of the Titan, the largest ship ever built, billed as "unsinkable," which strikes an iceberg in April and sinks. In the book, more than half the passengers die in the North Atlantic because of a lifeboat shortage. The book was published 14 years before the Titanic sank.

Wisconsin on deck

14. Capt. Edward G. Crosby, a Milwaukee veteran of the Civil War, founded a steamship company on Lake Michigan but became famous for refusing to put enough lifeboats for all the passengers on his steamers. Aboard the Titanic, he was unable to find a place on a lifeboat, and he sank with the ship.
15. Danish immigrant Claus Peter Hansen and his wife, Jennie, operated a barbershop in Racine. He went into the Atlantic waters after the collision. Jennie made it into a lifeboat and lived until 1952.
16. Louise Kink Pope was 4 years old when she went on board the Titanic. She and her mother, Luise, were loaded into a lifeboat, but her father was told to remain on deck. Instead, he jumped into the lifeboat as it was being lowered. The family survived and Pope died in Milwaukee at age 84 in 1992.
17. Ida "Daisy" Minahan, sister to William (See No. 12), caught one of the last departing lifeboats, along with Minahan's wife, Lillian.
18. In one of the most obvious "Titanic" movie goofs, Leonardo DiCaprio's character, Jack Dawson, claims to have gone ice fishing on Lake Wissota near Chippewa Falls. Unfortunately for scriptwriter James Cameron, Lake Wissota is a man-made reservoir that didn't exist until 1917.

Lifestyles of the rich . . .

19. The cost of the most expensive First Class Parlor ticket to New York was $4,350 - about $69,600 today.
20. The first-class dining saloon was sheathed in hand-cut mahogany paneling.
21. The first-class smoking lounge was for men only.
22. First-class passenger Eleanor Widener wore a famous multi- strand pearl necklace then valued at $250,000.
23. Many of the first-class female passengers left the Titanic still dressed in the silk evening gowns they had worn to dinner.
24. A new Renault car was part of Titanic's cargo.
25. The Titanic was stocked with 20,000 bottles of beer and stout, 1,500 bottles of wine and 8,000 cigars for use by first-class passengers.
26. The last dinner served in the first-class saloon consisted of 11 courses.
27. Buglers called first-class passengers to dinner by playing "The Roast Beef of Old England."
28. First-class passengers were given copies of "The White Star Music Book" containing 352 songs so they could make requests. The musicians had to know all the titles.
29. About 60% of the first-class passengers survived.

. . . and the rest

30. Second-class accommodations were equivalent to first class in most other ocean liners of the time.
31. Most third-class cabins contained four to six bunks.
32. Third-class passengers could hear the loud roar of the ship's engines in their cabins at all times.
33. Only two bathtubs were available for more than 700 third-class passengers - one for men, one for women.
34. Gates separating the third-class spaces from the other classes were kept locked even after the collision, according to some first-hand reports.
35. About 42% of the second-class passengers aboard survived.
36. About 25% of the third-class passengers survived.

The berg

37. The iceberg was spawned from a glacier in Greenland.
38. One recent scientific theory holds that the moon's extremely close approach to Earth on Jan. 4, 1912, created such strong tides that it sent an array of icebergs south into the Titanic's path.
39. The Titanic's launch was delayed by six weeks because her sister ship Olympic needed repairs in the same dry dock. That delay put seasonal icebergs right in the Titanic's path.
40. Titanic Capt. Edward Smith did try to avoid ice danger by altering the ship's course to the south after receiving warnings of icebergs from other ships.
41. At 11:40 p.m., Frederick Fleet was the first person on the Titanic to see the iceberg, describing it as something "even darker than the darkness."
42. The berg was about 100 feet tall.
43. At 32 degrees, the iceberg was warmer than the water Titanic passengers fell into that night. The ocean waters were 28 degrees, below the freezing point but not frozen because of the water's salt content.

The collision

44. A recent story in Smithsonian magazine theorizes that atmospheric conditions on the night of the sinking created optical illusions that prevented the Titanic's lookouts from seeing the iceberg.
45. The Titanic's lookout was not equipped with binoculars to see icebergs in time to avoid collision.
46. First Officer William Murdoch attempted to turn the ship to swing it past the berg.
47. From the lookout's first sighting to impact with the berg took only about 37 seconds.
48. Passengers had different descriptions for how the collision felt, from "a slight tremor" to - as described in "Shadow of the Titanic" - "as though The Titanic had passed over a thousand marbles."
49. If only four of the Titanic's watertight compartments had been breached, it would have stayed afloat. The iceberg sliced through six.
50. If the ship had hit the berg head on, Titanic probably would have survived because of the strength of its bulkheads.

The disaster

51. The Titanic's crew failed to fire correct distress signals after hitting the iceberg. Random rockets were fired, but according to the British inquiry into the wreck, the message sent by the rockets' pattern never signaled "distress." Instead, the incorrect rocket pattern signaled to any ship in the area the message: "I'm having navigation problem. Please stand clear."
52. The Titanic held no passenger lifeboat drills during its voyage.
53. A nearby vessel could be seen off the port side of the Titanic, but the ship's identity remains a mystery. The ship probably was either the Californian or a sealer called the Sampson. Had it responded, the ship would have arrived in time to save many Titanic passengers.
54. The waltz "Songe d'Automne," not "Nearer My God to Thee," was almost certainly the last song played by the Titanic orchestra, although the debate about the last song continues.
55. The musicians played for two hours and five minutes as the ship sank.
56. The ship's doom was hastened when crewman opened a gangway door to try to load lifeboats from a lower level. They couldn't reclose it, and seawater rushed in.
57. The final SOS position the Titanic sent out was incorrect.
58. The ship broke in two in its final moments.
59. The Titanic went under the waves at 2:20 a.m. ship's time April 15, about 400 miles off the Grand Banks of Newfoundland.

Among the saved

60. The rescue ship Carpathia began taking in Titanic survivors at 4:10 a.m.
61. Tennis players Dick Williams and Karl Behr survived and eventually would become teammates on the U.S. Davis Cup Team.
62. Margaret "Molly" Brown, social activist, U.S. Senate candidate and estranged wife of a Colorado silver mine operator, would go on to become famous in Hollywood as "The Unsinkable." During the Titanic sinking, she famously told the crewman on her lifeboat that she would throw him overboard if he kept berating the women.
63. Perfume salesman Adolphe Saalfeld lost his sample case of bottles in the sinking. He survived. Decades later, the bottles and the scents inside were recovered from the Titanic wreck and exhibited.
64. Lady Duff Gordon, one of the biggest fashion designers of her time, and her husband, Sir Cosmo Duff Gordon, both were saved but were later accused of bribing the crew to row off with only 12 people in their lifeboat. They both eventually were cleared.
65. Third-class passenger Rhoda Abbott jumped from the Titanic deck along with her two sons. The two boys drowned, but Abbott was the only female Titanic survivor to be pulled from the water.
66. Chief Baker Charles Joughin helped load bread into the lifeboats. Apparently immunized to freezing cold waters by the whiskey he had drunk, Joughin reportedly survived several hours swimming in the ocean before being rescued.
67. An Italian emigrant aboard the Titanic, who leaped into the sea when the last lifeboat was lowered, swam to the side of a lifeboat and was dragged in when he said he had a bottle of whiskey, Alice Johnson, a passenger in the lifeboat, told friends.
68. G. Wikeman, the Titanic's barber, reported he'd been blown off the ship during one of its explosions.
69. J. Bruce Ismay, owner of the Titanic, jumped in a lifeboat and was rowed away. He spent the rest of his life mostly in seclusion in Ireland.
70. Of the 12 dogs onboard the Titanic, only three survived its sinking: a Pekingese and two Pomeranians.

Among the lost

71. Archibald Butt, aide to Presidents William Taft and Theodore Roosevelt, had taken a vacation to recover after finding himself in the middle of a feud between the two presidents he'd served. He went down with the ship.
72. William Thomas Stead, one of the founders of investigative journalism, who exposed the evils of child prostitution, was last seen sitting in a leather chair reading a book.
73. Macy's department store partner Isidor Straus and his wife, Ida, died together. Ida reportedly had her foot on the edge of a lifeboat and was about to climb in. Instead, she returned to her husband and shared his fate.
74. The body of the richest man on board, John Jacob Astor, was found with his gold pocket watch dangling from its chain. Investigators believed Astor had checked his watch right before leaping from the Titanic.
75. Millionaire Benjamin Guggenheim put his mistress into a lifeboat and then changed into evening wear to await the ship's fatal plunge.
76. All eight members of the Titanic band died in the sinking.
77. Joseph Laroche, a native of Haiti and an engineer, was the only black passenger reported on board. He died in the wreck.
78. 3,500 bags of mail were lost.
79. Capt. E.J. Smith, who had planned to retire from the sea after helming Titanic's maiden voyage, went down with his ship.
80. One of the lifeboats was found in the ocean almost a month after the sinking with three bodies in it.
81. Only 306 bodies of Titanic passengers were recovered.
82. Rescuers burned some of the clothing from recovered bodies to deter souvenir hunting.
83. The body of a 2-year-old passenger was not identified until 2007. DNA evidence finally showed that the body was that of Sidney Leslie Goodwin of England.

Survivors who never lived

84. Maxixe the Pig Music Box. Owner Edith Rosenbaum Russell retrieved her pig music box from her Titanic stateroom just before getting into a lifeboat. She played the pig to help calm children in the boat. The pig became part of the Titanic legend, and the subject of the children's book, "Pig on the Titanic: A True Story."
85. Polar the Titanic Bear. Douglas Spedden, 7, took his stuffed bear Polar with him on the Titanic. Spedden and Polar were rescued, and Spedden's mother wrote a book, "Polar the Titanic Bear," as a Christmas gift for Douglas. In 1994, the book was published publicly, selling more than 250,000 copies.


86. The British newspaper The London Daily Mail reported "Titanic Sunk, No Lives Lost," in its initial April 16, 1912, story.
87. The New York Times devoted 75 pages to coverage of the Titanic in the first week after the sinking.
88. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch suggested the suffragette movement would end after the Titanic's sinking because women would fear that it would end the "women and children first" lifeboat rule.
89. The U.S. Senate inquiry into the disaster led to a recommendation that U.S. statutes be changed to require that all passenger vessels carry "sufficient lifeboats to accommodate every passenger and every member of the crew."

Its heart goes on

90. Titanic survivor actress Dorothy Gibson starred in the silent film "Saved From the Titanic" four weeks after the wreck, wearing the same clothes she wore aboard ship.
91. Second Officer Charles Lightoller and passenger Jack Thayer both wrote books describing their survival experiences aboard the Titanic.
92. According to the California ScienCenter, nearly five Titanics could be built at today's approximate equivalent cost of $400 million each with the money Cameron's movie "Titanic" has made (more than $1.84 billion worldwide so far).
93. Passenger Lawrence Beesley survived two Titanic sinkings. After the first, he made the lifeboats, and later was hired as a consultant for the 1958 film "A Night to Remember." He sneaked on the set as an extra scheduled to go down with the ship during filming, but he was discovered by the director and was thrown out.
94. The song "Down With the Old Canoe" about the Titanic sinking was recorded decades later by a group of South Carolina cotton mill workers.
95. Lady Marjorie Bellamy is lost with the Titanic in an episode of the "Masterpiece Theatre" series "Upstairs Downstairs," but her maid survives.
96. In the first episode of the hit PBS series "Downton Abbey," the presumptive heir to Downton Abbey dies aboard the Titanic.
97. "The Titanic Requiem," a debut symphonic work from Bee Gees singer Robin Gibb and his son Robin-John Gibb, recorded with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, was released April 3 to commemorate the Titanic anniversary.
98. A first-class lunch menu from the Titanic dated April 14, 1912, sold for 76,000 British pounds on March 31, 2012.
99. Of course, there's an app for the Titanic; it's published by The History Press.
100. Cyril Quigley watched the Titanic leave Belfast's Harland and Wolff shipyard in 1912 when he was 4. On March 31, 2012, Quigley, age 105, was guest of honor at the opening of the Titanic Belfast museum in Northern Ireland.

Top 10 Most Beautiful Places To Visit Before You Die!

Everyone wants to travel the world and visit the beautiful sites, but with so many places to visit where do you start? Here we come to you with the list of 10 most incredibly super awesome places to visit around the world, before you die. See which places our readers like the best, and vote for your favorites.
Top 10 Most Beautiful Places To Visit before you die
Whitehaven Beach – Australia
top 10 Most Beautiful Places To Visit

Whitehaven Beach is known for its white sands. The Beach is a 7 km stretch along Whitsunday Island. The island is accessible by boat from the mainland tourist ports of Airlie Beach and Shute Harbour, as well as Hamilton Island. The Beach was named the top Eco Friendly Beach in the world by CNN.com. Dogs are not permitted on the beach and cigarette smoking is prohibited.
Westin Maui Resort & Spa Hawaii
Westin Maui Resort & Spa Hawaii

A fantastic lobby with waterfalls and pools greets visitors to this lush Kaanapali resort where the impressive scenery, friendly service, fabulous spa and awesome swimming pools are the highlights. The Westin Maui Resort & Spa, Ka’anapali is located along a breathtaking stretch of the gorgeous, white-sand Ka’anapali Beach.
The Fairy Pools on the Isle of Skye – Scotland
The Fairy Pools on the Isle of Skye - Scotland

If you are backpacking in Scotland generally or are planning a trip to the Isle of Skye then I heartily recommend that you visit the so-called Fairy Pools.The Fairy Pools is located in Cuillins Hills, Isle of Skye, Scotland. The Fairy Pools are a series of clear, cold pools and waterfalls formed as Allt Coir’ a’ Mhadaidh tumbles down from the foothills of the Black Cuillins into Glen Brittle.
Marble Caverns of Carrera Lake – Chile
Marble Caverns
Azure temple, Lake General Carrera in Patagonia, Chile, A natural wonder that could be the world’s most beautiful cave network. An Azure Temple created by nature, the walls of this network of water-filled marble caverns show just how magnificent the precious geography of our planet can be.
The Shahara Bridge – Yemen
The Shahara Bridge - Yemen

This bridge was constructed in 17th century to connect towns at the tops of mountains in the state of Yemen. Shahara Bridge built to fight against Turkish invaders. It’s a scary bridge and a popular tourist attraction.
Havasu Falls – Grand Canyon National Park
Havasu Falls - Grand Canyon National Park
Havasu Falls is paradise on Earth. This is an absolutely amazingly beautiful waterfall located in a remote canyon of Arizona. The spectacular waterfalls and isolated community within the Havasupai Indian Reservation attract thousands of visitors each year. The Havasupai are intimately connected to the water and the land. This blue- green water is sacred to the Havasupai.
Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon – Iceland
Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon
Fjaðrárgljúfur is a canyon in south east Iceland which is up to 100 m deep and about 2 kilometres long, with the Fjaðrá river flowing through it. It is located near the Ring Road, not far from the village of Kirkjubæjarklaustur.The canyon was created by progressive erosion by flowing water from glaciers through the rocks and palagonite over millennia.
Arang Kel, Neelum Valley – Kashmir, Pakistan
Arang Kel, Neelum Valley - Kashmir, Pakistan
A Breathtaking, Lush Green Village In Neelum Valley, Kashmir. Situated at the hill top near Kel, about 1500 feet ascend from River Neelam. It is also a village full of beautiful sceneries. It is a piece of utmost beauty, one can find in Kashmir. Visit Neelum Valley for Arang Kel, a worth visiting place.
The Dark Hedges – Northern Ireland
The Dark Hedges - Northern Ireland
This beautiful avenue of beech trees was planted by the Stuart family in the eighteenth century. The Dark Hedges is one of the most photographed natural phenomena in Northern Ireland and a popular attraction for tourists from across the world. It was intended as a compelling landscape feature to impress visitors.
Coast near Marsa Matruh – Egypt
Coast near Marsa Matruh - Egypt
Mersa Matruh is a major Egyptian tourist resort and serves as a getaway resort for Europeans as well as Cairenes eager to flee the capital in the sweltering summer months. It is served by Mersa Matruh Airport. The city is known for its white soft sands and calm transparent waters.

***Top 20 Richest Football Players***

Top 20 Richest Football Players

The world’s most popular sport football or soccer is much more serious than ever. There are more than 3.5 billion football fans worldwide. For many of them, football is not just a game, it is like a religion. Top professional football players are earning more than other pro-athletes. The wealthiest soccer players are all playing in Europe. Spain, England, Italy, Germany and France are ranked as being the greatest league on Earth. All of them are competitive enough that they consistently capture the best talent. Premier League footballers earn an average of £2.3 million a year each, making it the best paying league in the world.
Here are the top 20 richest football players in the world, according to Goal.com 2015 rich list.

20) John Terry – Net Worth: €56 Million ($61 million)

English professional football player John Terry’s contribution to the English national team and Chelsea has been immense. He is the captain of Chelsea. He was the captain of the English national team between August 2006 and February 2010.

19) Sergio Aguero – Net Worth: €58 Million ($63 million)

This Argentine professional footballer plays for the Argentina national team and Manchester City. He scored what many people call the most famous goal in the history of the club on the final day of the 2012-13 campaign. That goal secured the title for Manchester City.

18) Gerard Pique –  Net Worth: €58 Million ($63 million)

Gerard Pique is an immensely talented Spanish professional footballer who plays as a center-back for Spain national football team and FC Barcelona. This champion has hoisted club trophies worldwide. He is one of the four players to have won the UEFA Champions League two years in a row with different teams.

17) Francesco Totti  – Net Worth: €60 Million ($65.5 million)

Italian football player Francesco Totti is the captain of Serie A club Roma. He has been with the club for the last 23 years and has created many wonderful moments for his fans. He is also into real estate business.
Francesco Totti

16) Franck Ribery – Net Worth: €61 Million ($66.5 million)

Franck Ribery is a French football player who plays for German Bundesliga club Bayern Munich. He is an athlete on par with the likes of Ronaldo and Messi.

15) Yaya Toure – Net Worth: €62 Million ($67.6 million)

This talented midfielder and the current African Player of the Year plays for the Ivory Coast national team and Manchester City. He is the on-field heart and soul of the club. He was voted African footballer of the year for 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. He is one of Africa’s most successful players in Europe of all time.
Yaya Toure

14) Steven Gerrard – Net Worth: €64 Million ($70 million)

English football player Steven Gerrard’s honors include three League Cups, two FA Cups, one UEFA Cup, one UEFA Champions League and two UEFA Super Cups. According to some people, he is the most respected player in all of the English Premier League.

13) Gigi Buffon – Net Worth: €66 Million ($72 million)

Italian goalkeeper Gigi Buffon is the captain of Serie A club Juventus and the Italy national team. He holds the record for most appearances for Italy and is considered to be one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time. He is the most expensive goalkeeper of all time following his ₤32.6 million transfer from Parma to Juventus in 2001.

12) Rio Ferdinand – Net Worth: €72 Million ($78.5 million)

Rio Ferdinand is an English professional football player who plays as a center-back. He is a free agent. He has wisely invested in real estate in London and in Caribbean. He also earns big through endorsements.

11) Bastian Schweinsteiger – Net Worth: €75 Million ($82 million)

This German football player plays for Bayern Munich and the German national team. He is the captain of the German national team and vice-captain of Bayern Munich. He has earned more than 100 caps for Germany.

10) Frank Lampard – Net Worth: €80 Million ($87 million)

English professional football player Frank Lampard plays for Manchester City. He was with Chelsea for 13 years and is the club’s all-time leading goal scorer. He is one of the best midfielders of his generation.

9) Ronaldinho – Net Worth: €83 ($90.5 million)

Brazilian legend Ronaldinho plays for Mexican club Queretaro. He won FIFA World Player of the Year award in 2004 and 2005. He has played 97 matches and scored 33 goals.

8) Raul – Net Worth: €85 Million ($93 million)

Raul is a Spanish professional football player who plays as a striker for New York Cosmos. He was with Real Madrid for 16 years and is the club’s all-time top goal scorer with 323 goals.
Raul Gonzalez Blanco Net Worth

7) Samuel Eto’o – Net Worth: €87 Million ($95 million)

This Cameroonian football player plays for Sampdoria as a striker. He is the most successful and decorated African footballer of all time. He has netted massive contracts throughout his career. Eto’o was in fact once the highest-paid player in the world during his spell with Anzhi Makhachkala where he earned €20 million ($25 million) a year after taxes.

6) Kaka – Net Worth: €96 Million ($105 million)

Brazilian professional football player Kaka is an attacking midfielder, currently playing for American Major League Soccer club Orlando City. Kaka made most of his money while playing for Real Madrid. He is the highest-paid soccer player ever in the United States with a guaranteed salary of $7.2 million per year.

5) Wayne Rooney – Net Worth: €103 Million ($112 million)

Wayne Rooney is a talented and famous English professional football player. He is the captain of the English national team and the Manchester United club. He spent two seasons at the Merseyside club and moved to Manchester United for ₤25.6 million in 2004. He also earns by endorsing reputed brands like Chevrolet.

4) Zlatan Ibrahimovic – Net Worth: €105 Million ($114 million)

This Swedish professional football player is an internet sensation. He is the captain of the Swedish national team. He also plays for French club Paris Saint-Germain. In 2006 he completed a €24.8 million move to Internazionale by signing a four-year deal.

3) Neymar – Net Worth: €135 Million ($148 million)

Neymar is the captain of the Brazil national team. He plays for Spanish club FC Barcelona. He has scored 43 goals in 62 matches for Brazil. SportsPro named him the most marketable athlete in the world in the years 2012 and 2013. In 2014 alone he earned $33.6 million, according to Forbes. His move to Barca was worth €57.1 million making it the 15th most expensive football transfer of all time. The striker will make $74 million in salary over five years; $13 million of which is a signing bonus.

2) Lionel Messi – Net Worth: €200 Million ($218 million)

Lionel Messi is a true football legend. It is a pleasure to watch him play the game. This Argentine football player plays for Argentina national team and FC Barcelona. He is the first football player in history to win four FIFA/Ballons d’Or. As per Forbes’ 2014 list, Messi earned a total of $65 million within 12 months. He is one of football’s biggest endorsers of all-time.

1) Cristiano Ronaldo – Net Worth: €210 Million ($230 million)

Ronaldo’s Real Madrid contract earns him more than €18 million per year. In 2014 he featured on Forbes list with total earnings of $80 million, which he made between 2013- 14. He is the captain of the Portugal national team. He became the most expensive player in the world when he moved from Manchester United to Real Madrid in 2009 in a transfer worth €94 million. He also makes money by endorsing famous brands like Motorola, Tag Heuer and Nike.
If you are talented and confident enough you can make a career as a football player and become a millionaire as these 20 football players.

Francesco Totti

Evolution DUBAI (1991-2016)

It can be said that Dubai was almost a city with few buildings and the road leading into infinity.
Dubai is the largest city of the United Arab Emirates and one of the seven emirates. It has a population of 1.241.000 inhabitants. Dubai was first mentioned in 1095, and the oldest settlement dates from the 1799
It can be also said that the Dubai in the last 20 years much progress.

DUBAI 1991

DUBAI 2016