
***TITANIC under water ***

Titanic, perhaps the most famous ship that ever sailed, hit an iceberg, and the next morning - April 15, 1912 - sank beneath the North Atlantic waves. She took 1,517 women, men and children to the bottom of the ocean with her, including some of the most famous names of her time.
But Titanic's voyage continues - in movies, books, TV shows and the public's fascination. Part historic chronicle, part human drama, part paranormal thriller, the tale of the doomed ship still has us in its hooks.
Today her story shifts like starlight sparkling on sea ice. Accounts and numbers differ, research changes "myth" into "fact," and vice versa. But her saga won't end.
So to mark the 100th anniversary of her loss, we give you 100 remembrances of the Titanic.


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