
Numerological Portrait: 5

If your Life-Path number is FIVE, a love of sensation and adventure will likely be prominent for you. FIVE’S are very social and enjoy fun-loving light-hearted company as opposed to serious philosophical conversation. The average FIVE is not too worried about tomorrow but is generally happy go lucky. However, while laughter may be the drug of choice, many FIVE’S spend time searching for the answers to life’s questions.

Those with a FIVE Life-Path are usually very versatile and progressive. Freedom and independence are of the utmost importance. As a FIVE, you will want to go about life completely unrestrained and will abhor routine. Your need for stimuli and adventure won’t tolerate repetitive and ‘boring’ work. Key qualities for a FIVE Life-Path number are social, expansiveness, visionary, adventure, the constructive use of freedom.

It is common for FIVE’S to be multi-talented. However, it is just as common for there to be confusion over your direction and ambition. There may be a need for some strict planning on the FIVE’S part to allow for the expression of themselves. You’ll have no trouble motivating others as an excellent communicator, however meeting deadlines will not be a strong suit for you as a FIVE. This would be too restraining.

A mental or physical manifestation of adventure is inevitable for a FIVE. The prospect of exploration and boldly going where no one has gone before will thrill you and resisting will be almost impossible. Scheduling adventures such as travel and rock climbing trips may be just the solution to striking balance for a FIVE when it comes to the humdrum of day to day life and routine.

The life purpose for a FIVE is to experience as much as life has to give. Living life to the fullest and with as much sensation you can discover may be all that you need to do – with a few exceptions.

It can be challenging for some FIVE’S to take responsibility for finances and the home. Work must be stimulating to produce results. If you become too self-focused, indulgence and a seemingly apathetic attitude towards others may emerge. Becoming self-serving and undependable can also occur. Balance is the key for a FIVE. Planning adventures for the soul while keeping responsibilities in mind will bring the most contentment.

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