
Numerological Portrait: 6

If your Life-Path number is SIX, a sense of responsibility will likely be prominent for you. SIXES are considered to be the most domestic of numbers and live a path related to leadership through example. This assumption of responsibility generally means that as a SIX, you’re always there to help others in any way you can. In fact, you must need to feel useful in order to be truly happy.

Those with a SIX Life-Path are usually very versatile and can communicate across any generation gap. SIXES are idealistic and usually recognize that wisdom, understanding and balance are the cornerstones to assume responsibility in the best possible way.

It is common for SIXES to be devoted to their families and homes. This is usually the first priority for a SIX with helping the community coming a close second. Key qualities/words for a SIX Life-Path are responsibility, protection, nurturing, community, balance, sympathy and family.

It can also be common for a SIX personality to assume far more responsibility than what’s necessary. At times this can leave you drained and exhausted. Other areas that may require development for a SIX are a tendency towards exaggeration, over expansion or self-righteousness. While you will almost always mean well as a SIX, behaviors such as meddling or interfering (especially in family matters) will likely lead to troubles.

The life purpose for a SIX is to embrace the ability to assume responsibility in balance and to provide advice, service and support to those around you and in the greater community. To deny oneself this experience as a SIX will almost inevitably lead to feelings of unsatisfaction. As relationships tend to spring from the SIXES actions, loneliness and isolation can also occur if this path is denied.

It can be challenging for some SIXES to take on the responsibility for what’s around them in a healthy balance. Careful planning and consideration for the self as well as others will alleviate feelings of overwhelm or guilt. Be careful not to be too critical or hard on yourself if you can’t do it all. Your path is one of assuming only what you are able.

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